Funimation and KissAnime, not a collaboration you would expect, right?

Especially given Funimation’s stance on pirating anime, even naming “kiss” itself which is likely an implication of Kissanime;

Well, on February 29, 2020, Funimation tweeted this;

People were quick to notice a tiny Kissanime watermark…

Expert memer and anime YouTuber, NuxTaku, also joined in on the fun;

As you can see Funimation has since deleted the tweet.


It seems user Xenomorphs Are Cute had archived the tweet before Funimation could attempt to cover this up and posted it on the farms Weeb Wars thread;



So apparently, Funimation employee’s use KissAnime, or something. There are all kinds of implications you can get from Funimation’s now deleted tweet and none of them seem good for Funimation.

Just yesterday we covered another situation where this company didn’t have a great look;

Funimation Once Again Caught Changing Context From Japanese Anime In Their Dubbed Version, This Time From Nekopara

Never a dull moment with the mess of a company that seems to be Funimation.

Some people decided to embarrass themselves by defending Funiation, strangely, even after calling them out. Weird standards, guess they fit right in with Funimation-

Thank you for the news tip; @Richman4066, @APimpNamedMako, @JordanGenesis24, and Omegon and Leo~ from the Discord ! )

Video discussion of this topic;

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6 Response Comments

  • mwvdragon  March 1, 2020 at 4:51 pm

    Funimation and Crunchyroll themselves hurt the industry by doing a lot of what they do. Especially Funi and the voice actors that seems to be giving free rein to shit on the fans and industry that puts food on their tables. Does funi not have a social media policy for people who are contracted or work for them. All companies should so that their employees do not fuck with those who give you monies.

  • LastDwagon  March 1, 2020 at 9:29 pm

    @mwdragon the effects of crapping on the fans and industry is already affecting a number of said VA’s under funi. As Funi has fired many tp probably be able to keep said VA’s

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