There is a bit of backstory you’ll need to fully appreciate this report.
Previously, the Japanese Red Cross was running a promotional blood drive campaign featuring the fan-favorite Uzaki Chan.
Twitter Activist Keiko Ōta was not happy with this decision.
日本赤十字社 が「宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい」×献血コラボキャンペーンということでこういうポスターを貼ってるようですが、本当に無神経だと思います。なんであえてこういうイラストなのか、もう麻痺してるんでしょうけど公共空間で環境型セクハラしてるようなものですよ
— 弁護士 太田啓子 (@katepanda2) October 14, 2019
“It seems that the Japanese Red Cross Society has put such a poster on “Uzaki wants to play” x a blood donation collaboration campaign, but I think it’s really insensitive. Why is this illustration dare paralyzed, but it is like an environmental sexual harassment in public space”
The tweets gained enough traction to gain a response from the Japanese Red Cross, who more or less said they were listening and would give consideration to the complaints.
However, in a depressing twist of fate ( I’m not exaggerating, it is depressing, because woke culture ended up literally costing people their health in this story. Let’s continue…) the Japanese Red Cross did ultimately bend the knee to the complaints of the rabid Twitter activists.
The Japanese Red Cross hosted a promotional campaign after the backlash, at Comiket, where they removed Uzaki-Chan and instead went with very generic medical looking promotional flyers. A couple of the promotions did include anime girls but they barely noticeable, especially when compared to the prior Uzaki-Chan promotional material.
Unfortunately, as mentioned above, this actually did result in the Comiket blood drive receiving far less donations than the prior campaigns with Uzaki-Chan.
This is a very real example of nonsensical, Twitter Activism, costing people their health. The outrage from these activists over the posters resulting in the Japanese Red Cross bending the knee, and now people in need, who would rely on those blood donations will go without them.
And that brings us to today’s news.
The Japanese Red Cross is bringing Uzaki-Chan back!
“Uzaki wants to play!” X Blood donation collaboration campaign!
~ From February 1 to February 29 ~
Uzai! cute! But Uzai! We will carry out the second part of a slapstick comedy with Uzakawa junior “Uzaki-chan wants to play!” X Blood Donation Collaboration Campaign.
<Campaign content>
At the blood donation room reception, you will be offered to participate in the blood donation campaign, and a special clear file will be presented to those who donate 400 ml blood or component blood donation.
<Place of implementation>
Blood donation rooms in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures
* The memorabilia will end as soon as it is gone. Please note.
* Participants aged 16 and women aged 16 to 17 will receive a souvenir with a 200mL blood donation.
* Please refer to here for the location and reception hours of each blood donation room.
— 丈(たけ)■宇崎4巻2/7 (@syokumutaiman) January 24, 2020
“‘Uzaki wants to play!’ X Blood donation collaboration campaign! ~ From February 1 to February 29 ~ | News ・ Press Release ・ Event | Tokyo Red Cross Blood Center | Japanese Red Cross Society Thank you again for donating blood”
行こう!献血!— 「宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!」公式 (@uzakichan_asobi) January 24, 2020
“That’s why we have another blood donation campaign! Thanks for your support! Thank you! let’s go! Blood donation!”
( Thank you so much @NoriyukiWorks83 for the news tip. I am very glad for this positive report! )
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