January 13th, 2020, we reported on Vic Mignogna massively succesful signing event at LA hobby store; Awesome Collectibles.

Vic Mignogna’s Wildly Successful Signing Event Last Weekend Proves He Can’t Be Stopped

In that report we covered how the KickVic harassment campaign left fake reviews to smear the business that held this successful event with Vic Mignogna and his community.

Here is the fake Yelp review from January that prominent KickVic member, Lynn H. had left.

It seems Yelp removed that review, no surprise, but here’s an archive link before it was removed; https://archive.ph/kDboq

This strategy of leaving fake Yelp reviews to damage a businesses reputation as well as Vic’s and his communities, was stupid idea beyond belief and backfired terribly.

What does #KickVic do? Repeat the idiotic idea.

January 7, they left another fake review; https://archive.ph/LIOn7

And most recently, February 4, they left another fake review; http://archive.ph/qoVeo

I can’t imagine how Lynn or KickVic thinks this is a good idea. To be fair, that same sentiment could be said about everything KickVic has done.

As if this isn’t terrible enough, the internet was quick to find things about the accuser… As usual, people who publicly attempt to smear others often have terrible secrets of their own they hope never surface.

Here is a tweet from user @HylianRailgun

The KickVic harassment campaign has been a massive failure that has not only united Mignogna’s community to become stronger than ever but KickVic has largely caused the anime community as a whole to unite as well. The anime community, has been pushing back against KickVic’s smears and cancel culture. Other issues, like dubbing companies taking advantage of Japanese I.P. to interject very bold and biased political messages have also been called out by the bolstered anime community.

Through KickVic’s immense failures, the corrupt side of the “Western anime industry” has been revealed, and fans are more prepared and united than ever to protect what they love.

Video discussion of this report;

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4 Response Comments

  • FredFredBurger  February 23, 2020 at 10:04 pm

    Reading the full context on your website while listening to you in the background on youtube

  • NyanNet  February 24, 2020 at 12:22 pm

    Haha that is epic, thanks for tuning into both! I appreciate it and glad you enjoy.

  • CBTBlue  February 24, 2020 at 3:15 pm

    This was a great article, thank you for the read.

  • NyanNet  February 25, 2020 at 11:01 am

    Thank you

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