Classy as ever, a #KickVic member posted this picture on Twitter.


To a normal person, this is clearly distasteful. Not just that, but also cowardly. Imagine posting this picture trying to look cool but it really just makes you look like a coward? Taking a picture away from the person being flipped off, or anyone looking.

It turns out, this is not even that person’s picture, as the picture originated from this tweet on August 14, 2016.

The responses to the more recent tweet of this picture, from uncharted halo, are hilarious. Their plan painfully backfiring upon them.

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2 Response Comments

  • Tomeus Kalle  January 9, 2020 at 10:07 pm

    What can I say, the dude posted a picture of him flipping Vic not on his face and getting backlash was asking for trouble.

  • Sasori_Nagashi  January 24, 2020 at 11:24 am

    As usual these people are cowards and without any semblance of class or decency.

    The least you can do is it do it to their face if you believe it’s deserved. The problem with these people is they don’t believe it deeply enough to do so. He didn’t do this because he dislikes Vic, he did this because he wants other people to SEE it.

    These people don’t have morals. They don’t want to be good people. They want to virtue signal to others of their ilk and have others PERCEIVE them as good people.

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