“Tom” or “RetroTranslator” recently came under fire by a crowd of resetERA and Twitter users over a translation he worked on for Goemon.

The attacks caused him to issue a long winded apology ( see below ) where he also implies he will quit translating and writing all together.

As expected, apologizing did absolutely nothing for him.

“I don’t want to dogpile the guy on Twitter but that’s awful non apology. If he was legitimately self-reflecting he’d put putting out a patch to fix it.”

This user on ResetERA, “Discoalucard” is apparently @HG_101 on Twitter, who also posted this. The image also displays the “slur” if you’re curious.

It seems the story here, summarized, is that the fan translator was trying to stay as accurate to the material as possible in translating from JP>ENG.

However, this got him bombarded with hate and labeled as “right wing” and who knows what else. Tom, as you see in his apology, denies being a “right wing extremist”. All of this because he tried to stay accurate in his translation, while they claim he should have changed the context.

A common tactic by bigots online, as we see here is to label anyone they disagree with as “right” or “alt-right”, they have even done this on occasion to people who are on the left if they’ve ever said anything that is out of line from their “mold”.

( Thank you Ghoul for the news tip! )

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