On June 16, 2020 @StarBomber posted a simple tweet onto Twitter;
— Camden (@StarBomber) June 16, 2020
Racking up well over 44,000 likes and 11,200 retweets as of writing this.
The tweet seems to show images taken from Rob Zombie’s Facebook page, where he was happily showing a picture of him and his “new pals” BABY METAL.
(NOTE: The FB post, despite saying “1hr ago”, seems to be from 2016.)
Rob Zombie and Babymetal.
The backlash, which received a surprising number of thumbs up.
Regardless, Rob Zombie was quick to clap back.
As Japanese media becomes more mainstream it seems more people from the West are taking umbrage with it.
This is especially interesting because from what I’ve noticed, as things like anime have become more mainstream, it became more socially acceptable to discuss Japanese media in the public space.
However, as these things get even more popular those who dislike it also seem to be getting more vocal, especially in somewhat more recent years.
Another example of this is a tweet that received over 200,000 likes mocking fans of anime (specifically Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure).
Lastly, back on the tweet from @StarBomber, it seems most people in the replies were voicing support for Rob Zombie and Babymetal.
(Thank you Wesley for the news tip.)
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