From Sony to Paramount to Naughty Dog and various other companies. It has become no secret that a lot of big tech companies have been abusing the copyright system for their own ends. However, this is about RoosterTeeth…
W&S MMD is a content creator on YouTube who makes MikuMikuDance (MMD) videos both SFW and NSFW mainly centered around Weis and Winter Schnee with other RWBY characters thrown in the mix. A true man of culture if there ever was one. However it seems his fan made videos have caught the attention of RoosterTeeth who seemingly have decided that they want to try and chase away what little good will they have left with their fans.
W&S MMD went to /r/RWBYNSFW and posted the following statement:
Here is the timeline of events as described by W&S MMD.
Following the post, comments were quick to point out that apparently other similar channels, such as ABF MMD (formally known as RWBY MMD), were in fact terminated. After some digging I can confirm that the backup channel for ABF MMD was indeed terminated while the main one is still active.
Main Channel
Back Up Channel
Everyone’s favorite whiskey fueled lawyer Nick Rekieta of Rekieta Media tweeted at RoosterTeeth about the entire situation and yeah the irony is telling. After all RvB does use Halo characters for its show.
At this point, that is all we know for now. RoosterTeeth for some reason has decided to start going after fan channels.
Could be many things really. In recent memory, game companies like Blizzard and Game Works have tried to “clean their brand” so to speak by going after people who made NSFW videos/content using their characters in ways they did not approve of. This also could be a case around copyright and fair use. Until we get further information we can only speculate on what we have been presented with.
I am not a content creator myself, but I cannot imagine how intimidating it must feel to be getting a letter from a huge company saying that they are ready to sue into oblivion.
If you are interested and want to show your support for his content you can follow him on twitter right here or at his YouTube channel here.
4 Response Comments
Nick’s comment summarized my immediate thoughts on the matter. After 2019 you’d think they would have slowed down the digging of their own grave, but here we are halfway through 2020 and they are still charging ahead at full speed.
A ‘true man of culture’? Don’t make me laugh with ridiculous quote like this, fanservice/NSFW shit ISN’T a thing you can call a culture.) And you know what? RoosterTeeth has absolutely right to do this because RWBY and it’s characters belongs to them, any creator WON’T like when someone dickheaded made such ugly disgusting stuff with their precious projects and characters. WITHOUT THE PERMISSION. And now click a button in your brain and think about it))
Get your head from the toilet bowl and don’t push your personal opinion (it sucks, btw) on people) Why should I support that idiot?
“RoosterTeeth has absolutely right to do this because RWBY and it’s characters belongs to them, any creator WON’T like when someone dickheaded made such ugly disgusting stuff with their precious projects and characters. WITHOUT THE PERMISSION. And now click a button in your brain and think about it))”
Yep disagree with your peabrain comment 100% and that’s why RoosterTeeth is going to be sold off and dismantled by Warner Media you fucking moron. This was born out of fanmade stuff from Dead Or Alive, Final Fantasy and Metroid you FUCKING Brainless twat. Maybe they should do the FUCKING same thing to them like sue them for directly ripping off such characters. Maybe MICROSOFT should sue Rooster Teeth for making money out of RED VS BLUE, oh wait your a fucking genius did you forget that one conveniently because it doesn’t suit your narrative? Maybe one day you might push that fucking button and then think about it, fucking hypocrite.