Just a week ago we reported on a situation where Rooster Teeth came under fire, the production team even receiving death threats – the whole nine yards; for killing off the character Clover in the show RWBY.
Rabid, RWBY, Fanatics on Twitter then accused Rooster Teeth of queer baiting ( you can click this text for that report, if you missed it ) despite Rooster Teeth doing no such thing.
The character that was killed off wasn’t even LGBT and the alleged partner, Qrow, isn’t either. To take it even further, the characters refer to themselves as friends but again more information in the prior report.
Well, RoosterTeeth is coming under fire by this group again, a week later. Now because they announced new merch featuring Qrow and Clover pins and because they’re selling a pint glass with Qrow’s emblem.
It seems people are outraged both about the pins and also the pint glass since Qrow is a recovering alcoholic.
If you think it’s silly to be throw a hissy fit over merchandise, we would be inclined to agree.
Today's your lucky day. 🍀https://t.co/Pjf1zsWBJg pic.twitter.com/smuRl2xAge
— RWBY (@OfficialRWBY) February 3, 2020
That’s the merchandise that people are outraged about, now here’s the rage;
Video Coverage of this situation;
6 Response Comments
Sweet Merciful Buddha….
These people are going to drive me to make YouTube videos…..
Some of these are absolutely ridiculous. I swear I’m losing thousands of functioning brain cells reading some of this stupidity.
@ValentineVanna “This is outrageous, but I’m still gonna spend money on this like the hypocrite I am.”
@belovedsomnus “Qrow and Clover had more relationship building than Yang and Blake.”
^^^^This is a whole other rant I could go on, but I won’t at the moment. Yang and Blake has been building since Volume 2 and has been deeply ingrained into their friendship and now potential romance.
Actually I’m gonna get anal about this (unlike how Qrow and Clover were ever gonna get anal with each other. EYYYOOO!).
(…….Ill see my way out…)
Qrow and Clover screentime:
Episode 1 – 20sec
Episode 2 – 0sec
Episode 3 – 14sec, 4sec, 20sec, 1min 20sec, 4sec, 11sec = 2min 13 sec total
Episode 4 – 32 sec (no convo, no true interaction)
Episode 5 – 4min 36 sec (half of that has no direct interaction between the two)
Episode 6 – 0sec
Episode 7 – 3min (no convo; very slight interaction)
Episode 8 – 7sec
Episode 9 – 5sec
Episode 10 – 10sec, 10sec (no convo) = 20sec total
Episode 11 – 1min 12sec (no convo), 9sec (no convo) = 1min 21sec total
Episode 12 – 1min 30sec, 2min 3sec, 2min 47sec = 6min 20sec total
Episode 13 – 0sec
18minutes 54 seconds of screen time together
239 minutes 35 seconds total volume run time
18.9/239.58333333 = 0.08 of Volume 7 runtime.
The two have less than 10% of the entire volume screen time and more than half of that has them literally not talking to each other. So less than 5% of the volume has any potential chance to build their “relationship”. Without extremely explicit commentary approving the ship from the creators (either via public announcement or in the show itself), it’s ridiculous to base 100% confirmation of something so significant based on such slight interaction.
You guys have GOT to get over yourselves. Holy shit.
Literally the only thing that could be an “Oof” on RT’s part is the pint glass. But, as others have commented on Twitter, pint glasses aren’t exclusively for alcohol. Hell, more often than not unless you’re in a bar they’re probably used for non-alcoholic drinks like water and soda.
Plus I have an uncle who’s a reformed alcoholic (i believe he’s coming up on his ten year mark) than had a very particular method in the beginning to help curb his temptation. He’d fill flasks or shot glasses or PINT GLASSES with non-alcoholic beverages and drink them that way. His body would have the satisfaction of replication the movements he’d do when he was drinking alcohol, but without the actual alcohol itself to hurt him. He eventually weaned himself off that, but it helped in the beginning.
These haters seriously need to get a hobby. Christ.
Also @Nyannet I just now noticed you commented on my rant on your previous page. Thanks! And I appreciate the comment on my name 😀
Fanbases are getting worse and worse, and even more entitled with each passing day.
I just wanted to point out Dagoron ranted about as much as all those rwby fans put together, and they come across as a pompous jerk full of hot air.
That is all.
I just wanted to point out Dagoron ranted about as much as all those rwby fans put together, and they come across as a pompous jerk full of hot air. Not agreeing or disagreeing with their words, just pointing out how they said it was AWFUL.
That is all.
It’s a show. It’s meant to entertain, not appease views and opinions. There really isn’t any sense in harassing them simply because someone is offended and did not like what Rooster Teeth, the producer of their own show, did with one of their own characters. Life ain’t fair and the world doesn’t stop because someone gets offended. Time moves on, and so should the haters.
As a person that enjoys watching the show and someone that has followed and supported the work of Monty and his colleagues at Rooster Teeth to the very end, I find it disgusting and disrespectful of these so called “fans” to be talking nonsense about it and going to the point of threatening these kind and hardworking people.
As dear @Dagoron mentioned and I quote: “The two have less than 10% of the entire volume screen time and more than half of that has them literally not talking to each other. So less than 5% of the volume has any potential chance to build their “relationship”. Without extremely explicit commentary approving the ship from the creators (either via public announcement or in the show itself), it’s ridiculous to base 100% confirmation of something so significant based on such slight interaction.”
Qrow and Clover were never close to such a thing as a romantic relationship and nor any of them made prove of it, it’s foolish to think that in a little amount of time they spent together, they would see each other more than just an ally. Maybe a friend, but a couple? That was never gonna happen AND it never happened.
There is a line when LGBT is well introduced and when it’s being forced into. For example: Y’all remember Team SSSN? One of it’s members, Scarlet, has been confirmed homosexual my one of the manga books. Indeed, everyone was surprised but there was no ranting; instead, it had a rather positive response.
Going back to the present tho…It would seem that Rooster Teeth did the correct thing on erasing any hint that may have led to a forced introduction of a gay couple and a conflict with the fanbase later on, but that backlashed on them.
I really do hope that this situation can be solved, but perhaps the sky is too clouded to see the sun…